The structure of the school
The structure of Kürt Foundation Secondary School
- The citizens of Kürt Foundation Secondary School are the students, the parents, the teachers and the colleagues responsible for administration and maintenance
- The groups, the bodies and the chosen representatives of school citizens and of course the school citizens themselves, can make decisions in all matters that concern them and in those which come under them according to the School Regulations.
- With questions or requests the groups, the bodies and the chosen representatives of school citizens and of course the school citizens can turn to any professional or controlling body of Kürt Foundation Secondary School. The answer should be delivered in less than two weeks.
- The meetings of the bodies of the school citizens are usually open. However, the given body can ask for a conclave, and can make a decision about the form of participation (silent or active) based upon the legal status of the participant.
For more information visit our School Regulations page
For further details please click on the picture!